Minutes of the Committee Meeting
Monday 13th May 2013 at 2pm

Present :
Peter Woodman - Chairman
Rod Smith – Secretary.
Mike Pitchford – Membership Secretary
Sarah Baker
Ron Kidson
Peter Leigh
Alan Wilmot
David Beechey – ex-officio, representing Donington-with-Boscobel PC
Michael Ward - ex-officio, representing Albrighton PC (part of meeting)


1. Apologies received from John Bulmer, David Hughes, David Murray
(Post Meeting Note. A letter of resignation had been received from Cllr David Murray who had now retired from all his positions as councillor with various parishes. The Secretary will write to DM to thank him for his support over the last few years. DM was the ex-officio member for Tong Parish Council. ACTION: RS to write to the Chairman of Tong PC to ask if they will provide a new representative)

2. Minutes of Meeting of 8th April 2013 were approved.

3. Treasurer’s Report
PW explained that DH had temporarily stood down as treasurer while he deals with his illness and MP had kindly offered to act as treasurer until DH could return to the role.

4. Main Issues

a) Station Heritage Centre.
- Temporary Access Ramp. ACTION: RS will ask NR to come to meet us in Albrighton asap to discuss how this can be retained. Cllrs Malcolm Pate and Stuart West to be asked to attend.
- £1000 of pledges were collected at the meeting on 8th April.
- SB has arranged the meeting at the Red House for 7pm on Wed 15th May for all arts/craft people. PW to liaise with SB on agenda.
- SB will submit applications for LJC grants and MP will contact Andrea McWilliams to set up a meeting with SB.

b) Planters. MP reported that Jacky has recommended that we wait until after the frosts before planting them up – to be done late May.

c) Village Plan Lite/SAMDev/Traffic Management. Helen Howie (Housing Planner) had sent a negative replied (10/5/13) to our request for an additional paragraph in the report. ACTION: PW will reply saying that we disagree with her reasoning and asking for a meeting in Albrighton as soon as possible (as time is running out for amendments to the Report) with Chris Edwards (SC Area Director), Jan Cook (SC Team Leader Local Transport Plan) and Helen Howie.

d) Public WC. MW confirmed that the Healthmatic equipment is owned by SC and once the WC building is passed on to Alb PC then this equipment will be owned by Alb PC to do with it as they see fit. Decision on what facility will be retained yet to be taken but MW did confirm that there will be a public convenience retained in the Crown car park.

e) Village Green Trees A draft Report commissioned by Alb PC had been reviewed by JB as tree warden. PW had seen a copy and said that the report did not deal with the already agreed plan that many of the lime trees be removed in small batches and replaced in phases over several years by more suitable trees. It was hoped that the final version would deal with this issue.

5. Matters Arising
a) RS reported that a new webmaster had been appointed after the current webmaster had asked to step down after several years at the helm. All expressed thanks to the previous webmaster for his excellent work over the last few years which had greatly expanded the site which now held a lot of good local information. Shaun Meredith-Jones has now taken over and RS and MP had met with him to explain the Society’s aims and also our wish to make the website the primary place for residents to visit for news of events and local information. Shaun had proposed a reformatted layout and all were asked to view the site and provide comments/suggestions. www.AlbrightonAndDistrictCivicSociety.co.uk
All expressed a warm welcome to Shaun and looked forward to working with him.

b) Flower show (6 July). A social evening was planned and PW was organising a table and invited committee members to join him. MP and RS would check diaries and hoped to attend.

c) MP reported that Kirsty Ebbs had contacted ADCS to offer support as a volunteer but then MP was having difficulty reaching her but would try again.

d) PL has about 40 primroses in pots ready for planting in the verges. MP will organise for them to be collected and planted.

e) DB reminded all that we had intended to adopt a Local Listing procedure and this will be pursued.

Next meeting: 2 p.m. Monday 3rd June 2013.

Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 1st July 2013

All Committee Meetings, unless otherwise noted, are on the first Monday of each month at
Alb PC Offices, 82B High Street, Albrighton WV7 3JA (T: 375455).

(All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October
– NOTE FOR YOUR DIARY: next AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 14th October 2013)